Friday, March 11, 2011

A Great Antidote to the Issues Raised in Previous Blog

Thank you for your comments and for permission to have some belly fat three children later. I would say this is one of my favorite books of all time. I read it about once a year because I think it is such an incredible blue print for real life. It is based on the Psalms of Ascents (120 - 134), and seems to speak to the whole of the human experience.


  1. Hi Sara! Eugene Peterson's newest book "The Pastor" just came out. Don't let the title lead you to believe it is just for pastors. It tells the beautiful story of Eugene's life. Jedd read it in 3 sittings and I am reading it now. I look forward to bedtime so I can crawl in and enjoy another chapter. Enjoy!

  2. I love this book!! And I have you to thank--my friends & I talked to you at a Hearts At Home conference YEARS recommended this book & it has since changed our lives! Thank you for being such a voice--not only your singing talent, your songwriting, but your passion.

    You walk love out daily. Bless you!

  3. lovelovelove that book. sigh...

    if you ever drive i-20 in Texas, let me know. i'd like to have lunch... :)

  4. I look forward to reading this book, a new one for me. As to the technology overload, it is truly overwhelming, and I'm not sure how much of it is edifying. Yours is one of only two blogs I read or respond to, I have no desire to tweet or text, and still don't have a cell phone. I think real meaningfull connections come through face to face conversations, phone calls or (horrors) letters (and a few e-mails). Sometimes I think that we are less sensative to our heavenly Father's communication because we are so full of the interference of other routine messages. Please keep blessing us by sharing the beautiful music and thoughts God shares with you!

  5. Hi Sara -
    I am going to attempt to get a copy brought to me, thanks for the recommendation.

    Our counterpart to your Ruby loves "You cannot lose my love" ...
    And so do we .... excited about your new songs/record.

    Hope the Groves tribe is well.

  6. Sara, if you are listening. I need some information on helping women escape human trafficking in South Minneapolis. A woman came to my home this week while I was away. She was very frightened but when my sons called the police she fled. She left her name and address and I wanted to go visit her, but wanted to go with some information. My sons thought she was from a Eastern European country. Strung out on some sort of drugs, she was claiming that there were a group of men after her. She was here on Sunday, Monday night a woman was killed in her SUV just 1 block from the address that this woman gave my sons. Please reply

  7. Eugene petersens message Bible is not the word of God..... please look into it since you have so much influence. The changes are unbelievable. The lords prayer alone contains the new age slogan..... as above so below. Please investigate. You make truly beautiful music. I appreciate you and the gift that God has given you. Wide is the gate that leads to destruction. Test the spirits to see if they are from God our father or the God of this world.
