Monday, January 18, 2010


My heart is so heavy watching the news coming out of Haiti. The hardest news is that the worst suffering is yet to come with water and health care shortages. I know many of you are already thinking about it this way, but I would like to encourage us to not give into despair about all the things we cannot do, and would ask you to give serious, quiet thought to what you can do. Every little bit helps. We stand by the work of Food for the Hungry, and know that they are already working in Haiti to provide relief. Find out more about what they are doing at



  1. Thanks Ms. Groves! We as a class are trying to figure out what we can do as well. Teaching compassion to young children is so important. One thing that we enjoy doing as a class is going into the computer lab and going to the website It is sponsered by the UN-WFP and what the kids like is that they feel that even though they are young, they are doing something. The point is teaching kids to just do something. We will be looking for a school to support in the next few weeks/months. If anyone has a resource for me on that, I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. Sara, we want you to know that the message of your song "Love is still a worthy cause" & "I saw what I saw" gave voice to the belief we had but couldn't quite express. We have been foster parents for 20 years & sometimes it can be overwhelming & frustrating but always worth it. We feel honored that we can serve Jesus by loving His little ones...loving the ones in front of us.
